SearchTree's Approach to Successful Job Recruiting


SearchTree takes all the guesswork out of job recruitment, ensuring you only meet the most qualified candidates - ones who have real potential to perform in the role for which you're hiring. SearchTree's detailed four-stage approach to finding the ideal candidate is key!  The six-week recruiting process ensures a full search campaign has been conducted and that short-listed candidates have been carefully screened so only qualified candidates are presented as potential fits.

Stage One: Uncovering Your Recruitment Needs

Tamara Fontana consults with you to understand your business, get a feel for the working environment, understand the organizational structure and determine your company's unique needs and guiding core values.  A detailed company profile is developed and kept on file for reference at the interviewing and offer stages and for future searches.  To create a highly accurate profile, research on your specific industry is conducted.

The other side of the coin includes listening to your vision of a successful hire and the right level of experience that will fit the bill.   Tamara Fontana then researches job descriptions, salary studies, necessary job skills, certifications and other requirements.  This painstaking research enables her to scan the market and zoom in on the best talent pools for your company.

Stage Two: Sourcing Qualified Candidates

After a comprehensive client profile has been created, the next step is to find people who fit the role!  During this stage of the job recruiting process, SearchTree creates a detailed job description that outlines the skills and experience your company is seeking in candidates and sets the standard for the search and for the job. Job Postings are then placed front and centre on selected job listings, social media and other online campaigns mostly, to assemble a pool of applicants that meet your criteria.

This stage of the recruiting process involves getting an overview and then mining into SearchTree Recruitment's subscriptions to online profiles, resume databases, and industry associations.  An extensive network of talent is considered and filtered until a selected list of experienced candidates is generated for your review and feedback.

Actively and passively seeking candidates who fit the job description are contacted to determine if they are interested in the role.  Information about your company is disseminated with discretion through the stages and among the candidates.  In so doing, keenly receptive, experienced, professional candidates are discovered as suitable potential matches to the properly presented opportunity.

Stage Three: Analyzing and Interviewing Candidates

Once SearchTree has compiled a list of suitable candidates, in-depth interviews are conducted to narrow the search even further. This stage involves in-person interviews as well as telephone and videoconference interviews at earlier stages, as well as gathering additional research on the candidates and their experience.  SearchTree manages all candidate interactions and interviews, including coordinating and debriefing with candidates following your interview.  If requested, SearchTree will also offer you a tailored Interview Guideline to help you in determining whether the fit and specific technical skills are evident.  There are minimal back and forth questions with you during this process because of the research conducted in Stages One and Two. 

During the interviewing process, extensive notes are compiled on each applicant's skills, qualifications, experiences and job expectations. These notes are compiled and made available to you, ensuring you have all the data needed to make a fully informed decision when it comes time to select the perfect candidate for the position.  For candidates, these notes give their new employer a deep insight into their hidden strengths, talents and abilities enabling them to immerse quickly into career developing work and make a real impact.

Stage Four: Negotiating an Offer and Securing Placement

Naturally, the final stage is to hire a candidate! At this point, SearchTree Recruitment has narrowed the extensively considered field and presented the 3 most extremely qualified candidates who will excel at the job. SearchTree provides extensive notes that detail what each prospect brings to the table.

SearchTree highlights the distinguishing qualities of each top candidate for the role, but the final decision is up to you! You will not be pushed to hire a candidate you don't believe in.

SearchTree negotiates the candidates' salary expectations, benefits and any other compensation prior to bringing them to you, so once you're ready to make a decision, the hiring process is fast and simple. All paperwork is made ready for you and the selected candidate to sign.  SearchTree is only satisfied when you are excited about your decision to hire and about signing the offer letter, or the search isn't complete!

SearchTree presents the offer on your behalf and within days of your hiring decision and offer, you will be notified of the successful candidate's acceptance.  At this point, SearchTree proceeds to check references and other applicable checks for your review and clearance.

You can be confident in the SearchTree Recruitment selection process and Tamara Fontana remains available during the critical 90 day probationary period following each project to ensure a successful placement.


Contact SearchTree Recruitment to discuss your company's hiring needs and how SearchTree manages a professional recruitment process.